Index | Parent | List class |
The List class is used to manipulate lists.
A list object is not a Listview : It is the object a Listview renders.
A List object can only be added to a Listview object at Listview creation time.
See Listview
Name | Type | Class | Note |
Active | M | ISGN G2N | A umber or one of
ActiveEntry | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry0 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry1 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry2 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry3 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry4 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry5 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry6 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry7 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry8 | S | GN | |
ActiveEntry9 | S | GN | |
AdjustHeight | B | I | |
AdjustWidth | B | I | |
AutoVisible | B | ISG | |
Case | B | I | Sets comparation mode (0 is the default) |
DragSortable | B | ISG | |
DropMark | N | G | |
Entries | S | I | |
First | N | ISGN | |
Format | S | ISG | |
InsertPosition | N | GN | |
List | S | I | A name of an ARexx stem where to read entries |
Names | S | I | A string of entries separated by a , |
Quiet | B | S | |
ShowDropMarks | B | ISG | |
Title | S | I | |
Visible | N | N |
Note that from RxMUI 10.0, a List object gets an InputList Frame by default.
Name | Parameters | Note |
AddStem | <stemName/V> | Add the entries defined in stem to the list |
Clear | ||
ClearAddStem | <stemName/V> | As AddStem, but clear the list before adding the entries |
Exchange | <entry1>,<entry2> | entry1 is a number or one of:
entry2 is a number or one of:
GetEntries | <stemName> | |
GetEntry | <pos>,<var> | pos is a number or Active |
GetSelected | stem | The method writes in stem.num the numer of the selected entries and in stem.0,...
stem.i (i=stem.num-1) the entries: do i=0 to sel.num-1 say sel.i end |
Insert | <entry>, [pos] | pos is a number or one of:
Jump | <pos> | pos is a number or one of
Remove | <pos> | pos is a number or one of
ReplaceCol | <pos>,<col>,<value> | |
Select | <pos>,<val> | pos is a number oir one of:
val is a number or one of:
Sort |